Recently, the Monkey Man took a trip into the city where he searched for interesting things to photograph. He ventured into an old building used to manage the workings of the surrounding jungle. While inside, the Monkey Man took two pictures of some iron work on a staircase that was only inches apart.
Upon arriving home and looking at the pictures, the Monkey Man noticed something he found very intriguing. The iron in the first picture looked much as it did when it was first installed while the iron in the second picture was full of dings, chips and blemishes.
This got the Monkey Man pondering. What had caused the damage to the iron that appeared in the second picture? Why was there no damage to the iron in the first picture while there was in the second, even though there was just inches seperating where the pictures were taken?
The Monkey Man then started thinking about how these two pictures can show what it is like in the lifes of other monkeys. Why does it seem that some monkeys go through life without challenges, unblemished while others get dinged, bumped and chipped? Why do some challenges leave marks while other challenges don't? Do other monkeys notice the blemishes left by the challenges we face?
Here is what the Monkey Man thinks:
ALL monkeys go through challenges.
Some leave dings, chips and bumps, others don't.
Some monkeys will notice the challenges, others don't.
Regardless of the challenges each monkey faces,
regardless if others see the marks left,
regardless if other monkeys notice, help, or ignore the challenges....
...the challenges each monkey faces resembles the two pictures the Monkey Man took.
...the challenges each monkey faces resembles the two pictures the Monkey Man took.
Each is unique, each has character and each has a story to tell.