Monday, September 22, 2008

The chimp and the rain storm

The Monkey Man was thinking about the rain storm that blew in today and it reminded him of a story.
The chimps in the monkey troop have their challenges. Two of the chimps have a real challenge with getting along with each other. This doesn't mean they don't take care of each other when the need arises. The troop was driving down the road when one of the chimps became afraid of the thunder and lightning brewing outside the car. The chimp that loves to antagonize the frightened little chimp didn't start to tease her, but instead wrapped his arm around her and helped comfort her while the storm raged outside. It was interesting to see how long this good will lasted....about as long as it took for the storm to subside.
The Monkey Man hopes each of us, will take the time to help comfort those around us, especially while the storms of our lives are raging outside.


Preds Girl said...

Well said!

goat said...

hey! i am with the monkey man on this one! we should all take a little time for each other.

Sandra said...

Awh that was very sweet. :)